11. marts 2015
Verses from Guhyagarbha Tantra
Ema, wondrous, the amazing truth,
Secret of every - the awakened ones,
Everything arises from nonarising,
Once arisen, never did they rise.
That I and all the countless sentient beings
Are all awakened since the very first,
In knowing us to be just what we are
Resolve to be supreme enlightenment.
Lyrics & vocals: Erik Pema Kunsang
Music & vocals: Tara Trinley Wangmo
Piano and production: Niels Erichsen
This tantra is the most famous and important tantric scripture in the Nyingma lineage of the early translations. Mipham Rinpoche's explanation is published: The Luminous Essence: A Guide to the Guhyagarbha Tantra